Saturday, May 12, 2012

To All The Mothers and Their Mothers and Their Mothers Before Them

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."
 ~Tenneva Jordan

Huh?  I don't think so! I like my  pie too much for such nonsense. 

Today I blog about Mother's Day because if I didn't someone might shoot me or land an airplane on me. Oh, wait that might happen anyway! Seriously just because my mother's current husband is an airline pilot...... I do have good wishes for all the mothers in the world today, and as a mother myself, dammit, we deserve this day!

Forget the tender memories of labor, birth and the first time I held you in my arms. We can ponder that 364 days out of the year, and probably still are paying for that labor and birth with scars and pain. Today should be a day when you are simply Queen for The Day. That's right. I said it. Queen for The Day. That means the following activities are not fit for royalty:

Laundry (don't you do it!)
Preparing a meal
Using stain remover in any way, shape or form
Picking up dog poop
Cleaning lint from the dryer (get away from the laundry facilities!)
Cleaning lint from your belly button
Running the dishwasher
Watching any children's shows on Nickel0deon,  Disney or other
Wiping off counters
Texting a teenager
Waiting in any type of carpool line....Sunday School or Nursery School included
Sitting through any interminable sports practice
Brushing anyone's teeth, even your own
Wiping anyone's behind
Feeling like you must "do" your nails or toenails
Helping with Algebra 3 or Physics homework
Getting out of bed

So there. You're free. Go about your own royal duties, and practice your wave. Happy Mother's Day!

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