Monday, May 14, 2012

Pinterest is Crack

I have found myself in the deepest throes of social media addiction.Calling for an intervention, please. The white flag has been raised. Pray for my salvation.

The little demon?  Pinterest.

Have you succumbed to this little devil -- the third largest social media site around?

Here, you get to "collect" and "pin" all of the wonderful things in life that are important to you. Like 60 ways to tie a scarf. Or recipes for dog biscuits. The idea is that this giant bulletin board of sorts is available to you 24/7 the minute you need  inspiration from  a powerful quote to the nanosecond you must make an alphabet of "rubber" stamps using a 10 lb. bag of potatoes.

Wait, there's a quote I must print, and a necklace from felt flowers I swear I will make. Next I'm pinning DIY sorority frames,  a wreath made from old book pages, a way to make your own canvas art (scurrying off to find Mod Podge!), a set of napkin rings for Christmas, a cool way to cut a t-shirt that my daughters will love, a picture of a hot guy, a quote about getting my life together (helloooooo?), earrings made from typewriter keys, braided headbands, knitted headbands, flower headbands, a jewelry organizer made from broken twigs, canisters made from rusty coffee cans and next it's flowery pins made from old tea bags and scarves from recycled newspapers or a really nifty way to tattoo myself with a old safety pin. I mean green is good. But come on! This has to stop.

I am blindly following other people on this journey as I find the savvy pinners who really share my taste. And then, wait, there are folks blindly following me. Seeking out what I'm pinning -- from corsets I love to jewelry to crafts to quotes to wedding ideas for my young daughters (wrong on so many levels) to a few recipes to more crafts I swear I will make. Stop. It is like crack.

My time is so much more valuable than pinning bits and pieces from all over the Internet. Right?  I could be writing more blogs or developing a business plan for a client or checking on old friends at FaceBook or following Adam Levine on Twitter. I have important things to do, people! And Pinterest is sucking the life out of my day. Do you hear that giant vacuuming sound?

BTW, did you know that Chik-Fil-A sweet tea and Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies also contain crack? I'm just saying . . .

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