Saturday, May 12, 2012

Coffee at 4:30 a.m.

Lately, I've had the inclination to wake up earlier and earlier, deciding what's best at that very moment is a cup of coffee. I've never been a huge fan of java. Never had the urge to seek out the best beans, grind my own or sniff out the best brands. I am not a coffee snob. I indulged in college by the pot fulls when I had to pull all-nighters to write papers or study for exams. But this is somehow different. I am awakened by a lull to begin the day already. Enough with the sleep. It's as if the day is already waiting, and I need to be there at sunrise to not miss a minute. I say that with some hesitancy because many times I'll drink the coffee and go back to sleep about an hour later. Strange because caffeine has always been a problem for me and sleep. Now it seems I need an early morning period of being awake. I'm finding I'm more creative for that brief time, and then slumber will beckon -- sometimes one hour later, sometimes four. And you're talking to someone who has always needed eight hours of uninterrupted sleep or watch out. Grumpy does not even describe the effect.

So here's to all the midnight owls, the all-night creative types, those who labor on a graveyard shift (Granddaddy, rest in peace!) somewhere, those who require very little sleep and ones who find sleep a waste of life in general. I think I'm beginning to join your ranks.

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