Friday, May 25, 2012

Obligation to Blog

You have my permission to skip this mess.

Yep. It's just what it says. This is a blog I feel obligated to write because I've been such a slacker. And my head has felt post-Hiroshima for the past four days. My apologies to the people of Japan for any offense. My apologies about Hiroshima in general.

I've decided that the headache and lack of writing, thereof, are simply due to a head filled with too many things. Ideas for magazine articles, books I want to write, books I've started to write and not finished, journaling I want to accomplish, setting up my new iPhone properly, wondering about Memorial Day plans, worrying about my children, worry about my love life, an innate desire to buy jewelry, an even greater desire to make jewelry for which I have no time, an online course I'm tackling and responsibilities to social media clients to which I lend a hand.

That's a plausible excuse for not blogging, right? Bo-log-na. Writing for me every day is as natural as brushing my teeth or really more like cleaning the cat's box.....which I don't do every day, I admit. So what's the holdup? Never writer's block. More like writer's laze. And if you don't do it every day, you get sloppy. And when you get sloppy, you write obligated blog. So skip this, and I'll be back fresh as a daisy before you know it. Ciao.

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